Category Archives: Uncategorized

Heart Healthy Lifestyle for Children

According to World Health Organisation, maximum number of deaths in adults is due to cardiovascular diseases. American heart association states that the risk…
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Cardio workouts boost overall fitness

Majority of the people engage themselves in routine physical activity for heart health or for maintaining body weight. Best suited physical activities for…
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Heart Problems in Women

Cardiovascular disease includes diseases of the heart and blood. It is a general term for a group of problems that affect your blood…
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Truncus Arteriosus: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Truncus arteriosus is actually a heart defect which leads to severe problems the circulatory system. It is a rare type of heart disease,…
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How Cholesterol Affects Heart?

Cholesterol along with triglycerides are an indispensable structural and metabolic component of all animal cells. Cholesterol is a chemical compound which is naturally…
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What Is Pericardial Tamponade?

Human heart has three layers, the outer one being pericardium. Pericardial sac is made of two thin layers of tissue that enclose our…
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Lack Of Sleep And High Blood Pressure

A good night’s sleep is very vital for good health as it equals better control of blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Sleep allows…
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What is Cardioversion?

Cardioversion is the technique used to correct an abnormally fast or irregularly paced heartbeat called an Arrhythmia. It involves two procedures namely, Synchronised…
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Good Food for Heart

Basically man is a fruitarian. He was designed to eat fruits, nuts and vegetables. In the course of time, man’s eating habits changed.…
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Thyroid Hormone Improved Heart Function After Heart Attack

According to a study published by researchers in the Journal of Translational Medicine, the administration of thyroid hormone treatment improved heart function by…
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